Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Taking a Look at Using Sod

Understanding the benefits of working with sod can be very helpful for outdoor landscaping projects. Whether you are a homeowner looking to revitalize your lawn or a contractor working on a commercial outdoor project, there are a few things to keep in mind when making grass selections.
Unlike planting grass seed, sod is installed at a mature state. This eliminates a lengthy growing period and the maintenance required during that time to ensure that the grass grows healthily. It ultimately prevents any unevenness, rough or bare dirt patches that can appear during grass growth, and meticulous upkeep.

Another important benefit is that this mature grass can be used in areas where seeding would be practically impossible. For example, some areas are prone to top soil erosion and rain wash out and therefore, grass seeds would be washed away before they could begin to grow. There are varieties of sod available that are not only able to survive and flourish in this environment, but they can also help to prevent further soil erosion.

This choice for your outdoor landscaping project is also a very durable and hearty option. In less than a month after it is installed, this strong but soft grass is ready for full use. Because there are so many varieties to choose from based on what is appropriate for the climate, environment, and intended use or amount of traffic, it can handle anything from a place for family ball games and picnics to golf courses to soccer fields.

A fourth great benefit of using this type of turf is the low amount of maintenance it requires. After it is installed, it simply requires watering, mowing, and fertilizing as needed. It also has little to no weed control problems because of the mature installation. Minimal effort and cost in upkeep is something that appeals to homeowners and businesses alike.

Using sod also has several important environmental benefits. Beyond  preventing erosion, it also helps reduce pollution of soil and underlying water from runoff by acting as a filter. It also absorbs large amounts of carbon dioxide and releases clean oxygen into the air. The weed control it provides also has an added benefit of requiring less chemical agents for weed prevention, keeping potentially harmful substances out of the soil. Furthermore, because this turf is installed at a well established state, it requires less water usage.

Lastly, choosing this option for lawns and other areas creates the instant beauty of a lush green space. In as little as a few hours depending on the size of the space, you have the look of a finished lawn and a completed project. It is instantly a uniform and consistent expanse of rich, flourishing grass.
Keeping these benefits in mind for your next outdoor project may be a big help. It is important to research the various options and understand the differences between them to determine what works best for you. There are many other resources available on the internet that can provide additional information and more tips about using sod.